How Setting a Daily Intention Changed My Mindset

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Hello Friends,

This article is about why I began setting an intention every day and how it has impacted my life in a positive and meaningful way. I hope you find this article to be relatable and applicable to your life.

During my yoga classes, my yoga teacher always instructs me to set an intention for the practice. This could be to forgive, discipline, gratitude, focus, and many other things. I usually do yoga in the morning but after my yoga class, I would keep the intention in my mind for the rest of the day. My intention for my yoga practice ended up becoming my intention for the whole day, which had an interesting impact on my awareness and my feelings throughout the day.

During the day, whenever I came across something that was connected to my intention I would become more aware and ask myself, “is my decision aligned with my intention?” This immediately changed how I felt about the situation and how I reacted to the situation. For example, if someone is arguing with me and making me very angry, then I would remember that my intention for today is to forgive, then instead of arguing with that person, I would change my reaction to align with my intention. The person who is arguing with me is possibly misunderstanding something I did, therefore instead of arguing I calmly speak to the person to help them understand my perspective by first understanding their perspective.  Do you see what happened there? Remembering my intention altered my response and allowed me to handle the situation better and in a calm manner.

Now even on days when I don’t have a yoga class, I set an intention for the day every morning. Sometimes I have the same intention for the whole week if it is something I really want to work on. For example, I can set an intention to speak kindly to everyone I meet this week or to take care of my body. Setting an intention has made me more thoughtful and it allows me to think before I react instead of acting impulsively.  I am grateful to my yoga teacher for introducing me to this concept.

Do you set an intention for your day? I would love to hear your thoughts about this in the comments below.

Have a wonderful day!! ❤❤❤

by Nav ❤

Disclaimer: I am only sharing my personal experience. The information in this article is not backed by any research, if it is then I’m not aware of it as I am only sharing my personal opinion.