Wrong Place Wrong Time – A Time Travel Masterpiece: Book Review

Book: Wrong Place Wrong Time
Author: Gillian McAllister
Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Suspense, Time Travel, Romance Fiction
Pages: 370
Pace: Medium to Fast-Paced
Format: Paperback


Rating: 5 out of 5.


A lawyer with a loving husband and a happy teenage son sounds like a picture-perfect family. But one autumn night past midnight, as she waits up for her son to come home she witnesses him kill a stranger. Why on earth would he do such a thing? She doesn’t know who this stranger is and why on earth her son killed him. All she knows is that her son is now in police custody and although she is a lawyer she has no idea how to help him. In despair, she falls asleep that night feeling helpless with a lot of questions swirling in her mind. But then when she wakes up it’s yesterday. And every day thereafter she takes a step into the past. Giving her a chance to find out what she has been missing all this time and the tiniest clue that will set things straight in the present. Anything that will prevent her son from becoming a murderer.

Book Review:

A time loop that never gets boring, a mystery that keeps you on the edge, and a romance that makes your heart melt. “Wrong Place Wrong Time,” by Gillian McAllister is everything I wanted in a time travel book. This book also dives deep into the joys, sorrows, and constant guilt of parenthood, but focuses more on the guilt a mother feels while raising her child. It revolves around a family that is light-hearted and deeply loving, but what lies beneath all of it is what Jen must find out as she travels to the past slowly uncovering and observing both strangers and her family. Throughout the book, McAllister has intelligently woven the mystery within her chosen timeline. Going backwards to stop a murder in the future is an interesting concept and McAllister wrote this story in a way that makes sense because she ensures that the significance of all the details she has mentioned form a connection to the puzzle pieces involved in this mystery.

Who Should Read This Book:

I loved reading this book!!! I was able to understand and empathize with the characters in this book, while being able to create my own theories on why Jen’s son murdered someone. If you enjoy mysteries, thrillers, and time travel books then this book is a must read for you. And a dash of good romance is always appreciated so that’s a bonus in this book.

I hope you enjoyed reading this review!!!

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by Nav ♡

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