Project 50

Hello readers,

I am finally beginning Project 50. I created the notion template a month ago to track my progress over the 50 days, but I will be starting the project officially today. I’ve been scared to take on this challenge because consistency in self-improvement is not my strongest pursuit. I hope once I complete this project I am able to continue it after the 50 days as well. As I’m getting older and moving towards my late 20s (I’m 26 lol) I have come to the realization that I can’t treat my body poorly and expect it to give me the best results. It’s time for me to build healthier habits.

What is Project 50?

For 50 days you set a few rules or guidelines for yourself which you would like to follow consistently through these days. You carve out time for yourself to improve yourself and build healthy habits.


  1. Wake up before 8 A.M.
  2. Do your morning routine: 1h no distractions
  3. Exercise for 1h a day
  4. Read 10 pages a day
  5. Dedicate 1 h towards a new skill
  6. follow a healthy diet
  7. Track your daily progress in a journal

My Altered Guidelines:

  1. Wake up before 8 A.M.
  2. Do my morning routine: 1h no distractions- Hygiene- Skincare – Gratitude Journal – Pray
  3. Exercise 1h a day
  4. Read 20 pages a day
  5. Dedicate 1 h towards a new skill- Learning  languages (Korean, Japanese, Punjabi)- Digital Art Practice – Creating Notion Templates
  6. Follow a Healthy Diet- Balanced diet (80-20 Rule) – Be in a calorie deficit – Drink over 1L of water
  7. Track my daily progress in a journal- Journal- Film a Tiktok/Insta Reel Daily

Why I’m taking on this challenge:

My number one reason for doing this challenge is to build and implement healthy habits into my life. Taking care of my health, excess weight, procrastinating habits, activity level, and developing new skills are things I can do to ensure I’m not stuck in a rut. To constantly evolve one must consistently work on themselves. Beginning the Project 50 challenge is my way of kickstarting the process to build and maintain healthy habits in my life.  

Click here for the Project 50 Tracker Notion Template for free

Copyright 2023 LunaluminousCo
Copyright 2023 LunaLuminousCo

You can follow my journey on my Instagram or TikTok pages.

Thank you for reading 😊

Yours Truly,
Nav ♡

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